Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I can't find my camera

anywhere...which is pathetic. Especially since we moved in exactly two weeks ago, and anyone who knows anything would want to excuse me for not finding my camera since there are probably still boxes everywhere, right?? Except that there aren't! We are done. Fully moved in. We still have a few odds and ends to buy, but as far as the boxes thing, any box that is going to get opened and unpacked has already been attacked. Can you believe it? Everything has its place. (I still don't know how that happened so quickly except for the help of my parents!)

And I still can't find my camera to take new pics of the house or the kids in the house. They absolutely adore it, but why wouldn't they? We went from a 900 sq foot apartment for all four of us to a house with a front and a back yard, a trampoline, a place to ride bikes, and a basement catchall playroom for the kids.

I've been searching and searching, and meanwhile, the funniest and cutest things are happening around me. Taylor's latest favorite phrase is, "thasahsum." (that's awesome) We ended up finding about seven or so rubber play balls that he's either never seen or was still taking a bottle the last time I had them out, and he just runs from room to room, tossing it up, watching it bounce, and exclaiming in his gravelly, I'm-trying-to-be-a-big-boy voice, "thasahsum."
Aidan has a friend Ben next door who is almost exactly her age and wants to ride bikes every single evening. We live in a cul-de-sac, and we literally have met almost every other person that lives here, and they all have kids five and under! It's perfect. Around dinner time, it's just crazy loud with all of the bikes, big wheels, and push cars swirling around out in the circle. This past Saturday night, there was a cul-de-sac BBQ, and every day since, Taylor keeps asking where his friends are and if we can go to another party.
Aidan is also loving it, though this morning she told me she thought our room should be hers because it's bigger and has a bathroom inside of it. There is a railing upstairs that overlooks the living room, and sometimes after she's "in bed," she'll come out and whisper down to me or Terry. Last night, it was that she needed a bandaid. I told her I'd bring her one when I came to bed, and she said, "Okay, you just take a few more minutes, there, and I'll be waiting for you right up here. Call me if you need me." Needless to say, she fell asleep and forgot about the Bandaid, but we had a laugh.
We love our house, and so do the kids. As soon as I locate that pesky camera...I'll share it with you.


Andi said...

Sounds like the house is awesome. So glad that you all are enjoying it. Glad you have lots of kids and nice neighbors where you live....that is so important as a kid for those lifelong memories. Did we do the paper in your class about things or stories from our childhood home? I believe that was your class and I LOVED IT! Missing you as always and would love to get out to CO to see you sometime.

Alicia said...

Any time!!! Seriously! We have room, now. :-)

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you have found the perfect home! I'm glad everyone is in the same age group in your neighborhood. The trampoline looks like fun for the kids. I'll bet they love that, but where is the swing set YOU PROMISED? Miss you all very much. As soon as I get Jim back to some sane health issues, I will plan a trip to see everyone and the new house.
