Wednesday, October 8, 2008

She's my girl

Aidan has had just a bit of trouble at preschool, lately, as far as when I drop her off in the morning, or sitting with someone other than her teacher at lunch. She's a little homesick, I think. Her teacher says she'll be plugging along fine, and then all of a sudden, just get that look on her face which is usually followed by telling her teacher, "I miss my Mommy."
Last Thursday, for the very first time, she absolutely sobbed when I took her into her classroom. We walked in, and instead of telling me bye and going over to the painting center like she usually does, she looked up at me with that bottom lip out, and as soon as I asked her what was wrong, she lost it. I tried to remind her that I come back for her every time and that I'd see her right after her nap, but she just wouldn't let go of my leg. One of the teacher's aides finally had to come over and hold her and try to distract her while I walked out, feeling like the worst parent ever. I'm not working, so should I subject her to that "torture"?
Okay, I know that's not a rational thought when I'm thinking about it under normal circumstances. But I worried all morning and was so relieved when I picked her up and she was just fine.
So Tuesday, I was a bit nervous driving over there because I didn't want it to happen again. She was quiet the whole drive, but when I took her in, the saddest thing I saw was her bottom lip quivering, and then she went to make smiley faces.
Last night, we had some girl time while Terry was at practice and Taylor was in bed, and out of the blue, she said to me, "I was really missing you today at school."
"You were?"
"Yes. I started to go tell my teacher that I missed my Mommy, but then I just told myself, 'I get to see her at the end of the day. When I wake up from my nap, there she'll be.'" She smiled at me.
"That is so great, Aidan," I said to her. "I'm so glad you knew to think that way. Mommy's always going to come back for you."
"I know." A small pause, then she looked at me again. "Mommy, what did you tell yourself when you missed me so much today?"
I just love that kid.

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