Wednesday, July 15, 2009

When I found out I was pregnant with Aidan, I wanted a little girl so badly. I kept telling myself it was a boy so I wouldn't be disappointed when it was...and then we found out it wasn't.

I can remember lying in my bed during the insomnia parts of pregnancy in the third trimester, wondering what a child made from Terry and Alicia might look like.

I can remember wondering if she'd be a tomboy or maybe girlie--if she'd like music as much as we do--if she'd grow up loving the Lord.

You can never accurately predict what your unborn child is going to be like. Terry mentioned a few days ago that had he prayed and asked for the most incredible kids and tried to describe what that was, he would have fallen short of what we actually got. We're biased, of course--they are our kids--but we are crazy about them. They're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but neither of us would want any two other kids or would want them to change in any way.

I am pregnant once again with another girl. This time I am not really bothering to try and figure out what this child will be like--I just anxiously await the day that we'll find out.

People tell me all the time that girls are easier when they're little, and then they turn into drama queens and are so hard. Maybe. But I also have a number of friends with little girls who are drama queens already. ;) Maybe she'll eventually get there, but I don't see a lot of that in Aidan so far. She has her bad moments like any kid would, but mostly, she is just really sweet.
Her latest "thing" is that she has to do everything just like I do. I have no idea why; every time she does it, I immediately think of the last time I yelled at her or something similar. Why would she want to be like me? But she won't get dressed in the morning until I do so that she can try to match it (a task that's increasingly hard since she owns mostly skirts and my preggo belly does not). Last night we both wore white tee shirts under tank tops and simple flip flops. She wants the same color nail polish as mine. She puts her towel around her waist when I do at the pool. She will crawl into bed with us in the morning and try to lay exactly like I am.

It is cute, and it is non-stop. Last night we were trying to hurry and eat dinner, throw the dishes in the dishwasher, and get to the church for practice, and she just incessantly was asking me questions like "which shoes are you wearing?" "what are you going to do with your hair, Mommy?" "are you taking a purse?" to the point that I just looked at Terry with that non-verbal communication: I just needed her to get her stuff and get in the car.

He reminded me, "In a few years, she's going to want to do anything BUT what you do. You better enjoy this now. It's sweet."

It is sweet. And so I am enjoying it.


Andi said...

I can't wait till the good Lord blesses Jeremy and I with children. We look forward to the day that we meet their sweet faces and watch their personalities grow. You and Terry are so blessed. I can't wait to meet your third child and your second princess. I miss you and love you Alicia.

Hayley Fraser said...
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Hayley Fraser said...

Okay, sorry. Messed up on my last comment. That is so adorable that Aidan copycats you...Terry is so right that you should just eat that up as the highest flattery you could possibly ask for. Just precious.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely great writing on this blog.
Captures it all.
So precious from Aidan
You guys are truly blessed with those 2 kids
Now we need a similar one on Taylor
Love your writings

Mom said...

Doesn't seem too awfully long ago that you were a little girl about Aidan's age. You tried to be like me some, but you also had 2 big sisters (and even a brother at times) that you tried to copy. We mothers never know what our kids will be like either when we are pregnant or as they are growing up. Just want to say that you have never disappointed me in the way you turned. You are one special woman/daughter/mom! I'm very proud of you.

Ruth said...

I absolutely love the pictures of Aidan. I can't believe in just a few weeks she will begin kindergarten. Where has the time gone? I was just looking at her pictures when she was 1-2 and she had no hair. Now look at all her beautiful hair!! I'ts not just you and Terry that are blessed, I thank God for blessing me with a wonderful son, daughter in law and grandchildren. I keep the picture of the four of you on my desk and get to see you all every day. Thanks for keeping up with this blog. It means the world to all your family and friends. I just love it.