Saturday, March 7, 2009

Premature spring day

While strangely enough, it snowed for about five minutes today, we also had three or four days of 70+ degree weather this past week. I was glad my kids got to go outside, but at the same time, I know that winter is not over and was hoping they wouldn't think the warm weather was here to stay.
They always get excited when it's time for Terry to come home from work, and one day he took them out back to play while I made dinner. We couldn't resist these photos.


Tiffany Cooper said...

Our kids are blessed to have such amazing dads!!! Love Taylor's hair in the pic!

Anonymous said...

The pictures are great and I love Taylor's new look!! Yes, I wish Spring was here to stay, but, unfortunately, I've seen it snow at Easter, so I know it's not. I will take whatever great warm weather God will give us. Thanks for the update. Tell my grandchildren I love them and will be coming to see them soon.
