Friday, November 14, 2008

Friday night movie night

Tonight we started a new family tradition. Terry and I decided that any Friday night that we don't have other obligations, we will have a family movie night. We decided that because The Wizard of Oz was on tonight.
I've been wanting to watch it with Aidan but have been a little hesitant because of a few she old enough? Will she be scared of the witch? (answer: yes)
I can still recall watching this movie once a year on television (before Blockbuster and DVRs). As a child, there were a few things that scared me: those ridiculous flying monkeys, the red sand in the hourglass that seemed to be almost running out on every shot, and the green, martian-like head of the wizard in the palace. At each step, I remember thinking that she was sure lucky she had her dog and some friends with her. I don't remember ever fearing any of those things once the movie ended...
We ended up watching it in our unfinished basement because I got everyone DQ, and we didn't want them to eat it on our leather furniture. So we went down to the playroom area, brought a lamp and turned off the other lights, and the four of us snuggled up on the old couch with lots of blankets.
They both were mesmerized from the beginning, even during the black and white part, but as soon as it switched to color, they were hooked. Taylor called the munchkins "little babies" and the good witch a princess. Aidan seemed to be a little disturbed that Dorothy actually killed the wicked witch of the East, even if she was a witch, and she kept asking me a hundred questions about that for a while.
As expected, each appearance of the wicked witch of the West caused hidden eyes and "that's scary" remarks from both kids, who seemed to be easily calmed by Terry's words of, "It's just pretend," and "that witch is silly!" We'll see if there are any lingering effects, but so far so good. Taylor kept asking where the scarecrow was any time he wasn't on the screen~easily his favorite.
We shared a classic with the kids and it worked. We are out of town next Friday, but in two weeks...Wall E. Can't wait!


Andi said...

Ahhh...I loved reading this entry. I remember watching this movie every year also. Jess and I both loved the movie and still do. When I was a kid, I was scared of the flying monkeys and the head in the castle thing also. That is so funny. What a great tradition to start with the kids. I cant wait to have babies and share moments like these with them!

Tiffany Cooper said...

Herbert took the boys to see Wall E and they liked it. They want to rent it and watch it over Thanksgiving break. I'm hoping for a great Christmas movie this year. Heard of any?