Thursday, November 6, 2008


My birthday was last Tuesday, but as we all know, the older you get, the less the actual day of your birthday matters. We were so busy Tuesday...Terry worked all day without even a dinner break, Aidan had preschool, I taught two classes at the gym and did vocal practice with two different teams that night. So...we knew that we'd celebrate on a different day.

Sunday night we finally went to dinner at a Japanese steakhouse here in town. That is one of my favorite "special" meals, but 1) there's only one here that is just okay, and 2) those kinds of restaurants are expensive!

Aidan has been to Nakato in Springfield quite a few times, and the last we went, she was scared of the fire. After that, she was fine. The same thing happened Sunday night. I think she sort of remembered once we sat down, and she started looking around the other tables at the chefs and what they were doing. Taylor thought it was so cool and kept saying, "I want that guy to come right here." But Aidan, she wasn't so sure.
As soon as our chef came, she turned around and put her eyes in her hands and would not turn back around until after the big flame at the beginning of the presentation. After that, she was our chef's biggest fan, ooohing and aaahing at every single thing he did. Loudly. And they both loved the food. So did Terry and I! It was much better than the other time I went to this restaurant.
My biggest surprise was that they both managed to actually get food in their mouths by chopsticks! We showed them how before the food came but just thought they'd never get it to work, but they did. I had to share the pictures.
We ended the night by coming home and having brownies in lieu of cake. It was a fun night!


Anonymous said...

It just warms my heart to hear tales like this.
What a great little family you have.
You are so blessed and they are for having parents like you guys.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm impressed that both kids could eat anything with those chopsticks. Tell them they are wonderful. I've never managed to eat with those darn things. Glad you all had a wonderful time. I love the picture of Terry and the kids. Taylor is really growing up fast. Both kids actually can't see a thing when they smile. They have squinty eyes.

Love you,