Saturday, September 6, 2008

Make no mistake about it...

...Taylor is a big boy, too. Oh, I know it doesn't seem like it in this photo of him sleeping. I make that mistake, too. But, each time I even hint to him that he's my baby, he corrects me.

I have a silly little jingle I've sung to both kids since they were small that is something like, "Aidan," (clap,clap), "Baby girl!" The other day, I turned around in the car and sang it to Taylor (making the appropriate substitutions, of course). He usually laughs, claps with me, and bobs his head to the rythym. Not this time. He said, "Hey! I not a baby! I Taylor." I guess that was the end of that.

We had some friends come into town from Seattle, and they brought their adorable one-year-old girl, Mia. We went to lunch, to the pool, and hung out in our apartment. No matter how many times we told Taylor that her name was Mia,
though, he kept calling her "Baby." "Baby taked a bite of my food!" "Baby's laughing!" "Oh, Baby's crying!" I think he saw her as much smaller than him, but obviously, she wasn't too far behind him.

And then finally, Aidan had her first day of preschool last week, which Taylor handled fine although he kept insisting she was at the doctor. Before we left for school, we took pictures of Aidan with her backpack and lunchbox (posted earlier here). Not to be outdone, Taylor marched over for his photo because, as he said, "I a big boy, too!" He carried his empty backpack in the
car to take her to school, and then he and I came back and played whatever toys he wanted to for a few hours.

Seems to be a theme the last few posts, but I sure don't want him to be a big boy, yet. This is our first chance to hang out, just the two of us, while Aidan's at preschool, and I don't want to rush through that. But hey--he can think he's a big boy if he needs to. I am fully aware that he is still my baby boy!


Hayley Fraser said...

Oh, I don't know for sure but I think that is one of MY big boy's hand-me-down t-shirts? That sure makes me wish I could go back to the AWESOME days he fit into those shirts...It really does go by so fast...

Anonymous said...

Well, it sounds to me like you should be getting prepared for another baby since Taylor is all grown up now.... hint, hint! Another little girl would be nice.... hint hint.

That picture of Taylor sleeping is a beautiful picture. Thanks for sharing all this with us. Can't wait to get the pictures from your trip to Disney World!!! Hope you are having fun!

Love Ruth

Nielsen said...

Hi Alicia and Terry! Aunt Ruthy gave me your site- I love getiing to "know" your children through your blog. They are adorable! You can visit our family at
Please tell Terry hello!

Nielsen said...

Oops- I just realized I did not identify myself in that comment- this is Margie Wilson Nielsen.
Sorry about that!