Monday, February 16, 2009

My Helper (#2)

The flu has landed at our house. Taylor first, then Aidan a couple of days later, and finally it hit me during the wee hours of Sunday morning and throughout the rest of the day. Now, this was not totally unexpected. After all, the mom is always the one who is closest to the germs, right? I even slept in the guest bed with Taylor (on top of me) the night he was sick and in Aidan's bed with her the night she was sick, thinking to myself as she semi-snored into my face: I'm next. But four days went by with nothing, and maybe I got cocky. It hit me like a truck about noon yesterday.

We came home from church while Terry took a musical guest out for lunch. I immediately changed clothes and got underneath the blanket on the couch, looking for anything "on demand" that the kids might like for an hour and half and let me sleep or at least not move. I found a really awful version of Snow White with actors that they loved. Check! But once that hour and a half was over, Terry was still not home, and my poor kids were, as Taylor said, "weally, weally, weally, WEALLY hungry!"

I have never asked Aidan to make a sandwich or anything of the sort. Sometimes when I pack her lunch for preschool, I put a piece of bread and some ham in front of her, and she assembles. That's the furthest we've ever gotten, but sickness, when you're really feeling awful, breeds necessity. I said to her, "Aidan, do you think maybe you could make you and Taylor some ham sandwiches for lunch so Mommy doesn't have to get up?"

"Oh, sure Mom! You just stay right there!" I hear chairs being dragged to the pantry, the refrigerator door being opened and shut, and little comments like, "No, Taylor, that peanut butter is full. We have to use this one because it's already open!" And a few minutes later, "Taylor, that is a big bag of bread. Mommy says use the little bag first." Really? She actually listens when I say that stuff? I thought. "Do you want Mommy's purple jelly or Daddy's red jelly, Taylor?"

Okay, now it was at that point that I drifted off to sleep. I think as soon as I realized that she was actually going to get it done, I relaxed, and there I went. I know I sound like a horrible mom, but you know that feeling that you just can't even turn your head or you'll explode in some way? That's where I was at. I was desperate for some help.

When I woke up, they were watching cartoons. I thought maybe she got distracted, so I said, "Aidan, did you get the sandwiches made, honey?" She turned around with a puzzled look and told me they already ate them all. "All done! And Mommy, I put everything away!" I peeked into the kitchen, and sure enough, there was nothing on the counter except a little glob of grape jelly.

Who was this kid? Why had I been holding her back all this time? My little four-year-old just made lunch for herself and her brother! Sure, they didn't eat any fruit or vegetables, but they ate, didn't they? Sure, there was a huge blob of jelly on my carpet because they decided to eat in the living room while I napped, but whatever. That can be cleaned. I was so thankful that she had actually succeeded in this that I started lavishing the praise and had her come over and give me a high five. In true Aidan fashion, she smirked, shrugged her shoulders, and said, "I just wanted to help you because you're sick."

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Royal Kelley Ball

We had our Royal Kelley Ball a couple of days ago, and I put on an old bridesmaid dress to be another princess with Aidan (okay, and Taylor even though he said he was a "pretty prince"). Aidan kept touching my dress, saying things like, "I just love your beYOOtiful dress, your Majesty!" We turned on some waltz music on the satellite channels on TV and danced together for a while. She may not have met a handsome prince, but I'd say it was a huge success for Aidan. :)